In order to protect and promote the sustainable development of the ecosystem of the park and maintain its biodiversity, Lealea Makauy Ecology Park actively promotes environmental protection, including plant resources, animal resources, scenic spots maintenance, trail system maintenance, and water resources in the park. At the same time, we have hired an impartial third-party consultant to carry out regular field ecological investigations and monitoring.
“2023 Spring Environmental Monitoring Report”
1.根據中央氣象局資料,今年4月氣溫冷熱變化快速,明池及神木園屬於雨量偏少的天氣狀況。 2.本季天南星、七葉一枝花等植物陸續進入花期,花型奇特引人注目,是春季植物的亮點。 3.神木園孔隙更新調查,前兩季未觀察到附近檜木結實,樣區仍未觀察到檜木小苗。臺灣檫樹樣區本季僅剩一樣株存活。 4.動物監測結果:棲蘭、明池兩園區的昆蟲及兩生類在種類及數量上皆呈現逐年減少的趨勢。 5.本次解說服務品質問卷對象統計,以55~64歲佔最大比例,學歷以大學(含專科)、職業以工商服務業佔多數。三園區的解說品質良好,在解說服務滿意度及認知上,各問項平均數皆達4以上,表示遊客對解說員的服務態度及行程安排皆感到「滿意」,及聽完解說後能「瞭解」臺灣生態及該園區的特色,並更有意願執行對環境友善及永續的作為。

2019 Park Ecological Monitoring Video
2020 Park Ecological Monitoring Video
Brief introduction of flowers and trees by season in the park. Informational brochure download